As they say in showbiz, that’s a wrap. Phew! we all got to the end of 2020.
No, the news at the end wasn’t good with a more infectious strain of the virus, but let’s keep positive. We do have a vaccine which is being rolled out.
So yes, I think the start of 2021 will be bumpier than we would all hope so be prepared for that and don’t be surprised when ‘Peaks’ as we used to know them, don’t look the same.
In 2021 travel agents must explore ways to market to their customers based on a whole lot of changes that happened in 2020. In the past, we had predictable patterns of behaviour from customers. We had
– The customer group who always shopped in the store.
– The group that mainly emailed or phoned.
– The group that needed a discount in order to buy.
In other words, even if you didn’t think about it this way, you had models and segments and lists of people who could be counted on to do X, Y and Z every time.
What happened in 2020 was that even the 80+ age group got to grips online with, for example, using Zoom. My parents aged 85 and 86 watched ( and here’s the link as it’s a fantastic production) The Old Vic’s Live Theatre ‘A Christmas Carol’ via Zoom last night and then What’s App’d us afterwards. They still like face to face communication but are very at ease doing both and commented that without Covid, they probably would not have ever watched the production.
While you can’t go on holiday without physically doing so, you can certainly dream, plan and organise it without meeting face to face and if your customers are happy to do it that way, then you should be also.
So my prediction is that we will see a lot more of customers using both online and offline in their daily lives to transact. We’ve become more like our kids. One sure way to have ‘OK Boomer’ thrown at you is to ask if they are ‘online’ – they live their lives online and offline without knowing the difference and that has now spread across generations… and you certainly don’t want to be a boomer in 2021. You want to smash it and that means being where your customer is and interacting with them the way they want to interact.
Consumers are now firmly parked online . Not necessarily to buy, but to research, communicate and generally engage with brands and businesses they trust like yours.
That week between Christmas and New Year’s Day where you normally take a breather? It’s the perfect time to think about what you need to revise and improve. It’s going to be a heckuva year in 2021 but with the right focus you’ll come out the other side with a better business than you went into the pandemic with.
To help you get started – here are my 2021 Email marketing predictions and a simple email marketing plan that you can implement to make the most out of email marketing.
Email is still the most effective marketing you can do and while budgets are tight, it’s cost-effective and with resources stretched using email automation to message subscribers keeps you front of mind with them.
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